Flavored lube, eh? We all gotta try it at some point. This doesn’t replace other lubes in my collection, but it is novel to try and a nice “treat” for blowjobs. Expect to have to clean up extra well afterwards.
Turn On Cupcake Flavored Lube Review
Last modified on May 18, 2024
About Cupcake Flavored Lube
You're not on just any sex toy review site! You're in my personal toybox of toys and tools I love, trust and have vetted - the vast majority of which were purchased by myself or my partner.
Oh and when you buy through my links, I may earn a commission. All opinions expressed here are my own, and this particular lube was purchased by my partner.
Emma's Rating: 2/5
Okay so - I would never use this in my pussy or bum. Even though sucralose is considered vagina-safe, I just don't trust it! But I don't mind it for blowjobs.
Plush-ness Score: 40/100
Not quite as thick as a jelly water-based lube, but it's up there!
Slippery Score: 30/100
It's like there's actually cupcake in it - it's sticky! I did check - this is sugar-free but it does have sucralose as the sweetener which I imagine is responsible for the sticky factor. Get it here