November 4, 2024

A Kinkster’s Guide to Rejection (and the 3 levels you’ll definitely face)

Hey Besties! I’m back, and I’ve missed you so much! Life’s been a whirlwind with moving, adjusting to new schedules, and sharing my space with my Dom. But I’m here, and diving deep into the uncomfortable but critical: rejection in the kink journey. This episode is all about understanding and overcoming the fear of rejection, whether it’s internally, from the vanilla world, and even within the kink community itself. I’ll guide you through the three major layers of rejection and how to navigate them, so you can get the fuck over it and start living your kinky dream life!!

Been waiting to work with me?

I’m temporarily closing my books to new 1:1 mentees, but there’s still time to get in before the break. Visit to secure your spot at current rates, when they reopen they are going up!

🏷️ Rejection, Kink Journey, Personal Growth, Self-Acceptance, Kinky Community, Emotional Hurdles, Overcoming Fear, Mentorship, Personal Development, Embracing Change, Community Dynamics, Finding Your Tribe

About the host

Emma Gray

Hi! I'm Emma! AKA your Kinky Bestie. As a submissive and little 🫧 with ADHD, I mentor kinksters creating their own kinky dream lives!

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