August 12, 2024

Swing Clubs for Kinksters: A Comprehensive Guide

Hey, besties! In this episode, we’re diving into the world of swinging and swing clubs. My Dom and I are about to renew our membership at our local swing club, so it’s the perfect time to discuss this unique community. We’ll explore the differences between swing clubs and BDSM spaces, what to expect, and how to decide if this is the right scene for you. Whether you’re into exhibitionism, voyeurism, or just looking for a a less intimidating scene, this episode has got you covered.

We’ll also chat about my own positive experiences at our local swing club, how to find these spaces, and some red flags to watch out for. From the focus on sex in swing clubs to the differing rules on substances and consent, we’ll break it all down. Plus, I’ll share tips on navigating these spaces and creating the experience you want.

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🏷️ Kinkster, BDSM, Swing Clubs, Lifestyle Clubs, Consent, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Sex-Focused Spaces, Dungeon Masters, Kink Community, Kink Mentorship, Swinging Vs BDSM, Red Flags In Clubs, STI Testing, Gendered Pricing, BDSM Events, Kink Nights, Finding Local Clubs

About the host

Emma Gray

Hi! I'm Emma! AKA your Kinky Bestie. As a submissive and little 🫧 with ADHD, I mentor kinksters creating their own kinky dream lives!

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