Your 1:1 Deep Dive Awaits

Congratulations! You've invested in yourself and your kinkiest year yet. You've not only secured your spot in the "Your Kinkiest Year Yet: Live Planning Event," but you've also upgraded to include a 60-minute 1:1 Deep Dive Mentorship Session with me.

This exclusive session will take place after the live event, allowing us to:

  • Refine your action plan: We'll review your goals, address any roadblocks you encountered after the live event when taking things into the real world, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Develop personalized strategies: We'll create customized strategies to overcome challenges and ensure you stay on track with your kinkiest year goals.
  • Provide personal support: I'll be your sounding board, offering guidance and support tailored to your unique plan and progress

You will receive a separate email shortly after the event with instructions on how to schedule your 1:1 session.

In the meantime, get excited for the live event! (Here's what to expect)



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